Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2006

Remember Nothing is outside of You!!

©2006 Barbara Kurtman
Remembering Nothing is outside of You!!

Remember that whatever or whomever is in your life is a product of what you created.

If someone seems angry or someone is nice to you it is all about what you created and how you feel about the situation. How you see it.

Nothing happens nor comes into our life without our approval or invitation. That means we have said YES to it consciously or unconsciously.

If you think about it, we have more than 40,000 thoughts a day. Multiply that times the amount of people on this earth. Can you do that?? Think about how many things are moving and how many situations are being created – WOW that’s alot of movement and an immense amount of creations being created. We are all creators. All of us. It’s not about judging a situation whether it feels good, bad or indifferent. Our thoughts are being sent out and created and manifested into life.

So lets say we created a situation in our lives of someone angry at us or screaming at us. Do you think that person came out of nowhere??

So what should we or could we be feeling and thinking at the time we were experiencing this situation. We could be feeling that we didn’t create this at all. Does that mean we suddenly don’t love ourselves because we created this situation and why was this monster created in our lives. It means we got a chance to view a part of ourselves again to learn where we are standing and how powerful our thoughts are and how we can change it and also we can thank them because we got to see a part of ourselves that we no longer want. WOW what a gift. We can start to change cause now we see what were sending out into the universe.

We remember what we were really thinking, what came out of our mouth. What we have spoken out loud and to whom.

If we don’t want something anymore then we have the glorious opportunity to change it. It’s like we put on a new pair of glasses and we can have a new view and experience something more satisfying.

It’s the same energy whether we are happy or sad, sick or healthy, being aware or not aware, having time nor no time. Everything is the same we have as much money or as little money as we want. We have anything we want it is our choice. What a gift.

So I can say I take my power back, I created this situation and now I am taking my power back and I my power back by realizing and accepting that I create every situation and therefore the situation has to change and transform.

Another thing – we all can dois clean our auras by brushing down our auras and cleansing the energy taking our power back and letting going of the energies stuck to us that longer need to be part of us.
I herewith, take back my power and I give myself all my strength and power of creativeness that gives more to myself and to the entire universe, because when I am in peace and at peace with myself the whole world profits from my strength and my centeredness. So I want to clean myself and free myself from others opinions, energies and I want to empower myself to give to myself and others in extensive , empowering, strong amounts so that we can all create the beauty that we all already were.

Remember you create your reality. Remember who you are!! Remember you can do anything!! Remember you can take your power back in any now moment!!

Remember how strong you really are!! Remember that everyone has the same abilities and capacities.

Be the light and live your light, shine your light so that others will shine with you and you there will be two and more empowering lights spreading like a wildfire throughout the world creating more and more beauty, health, wealth, happiness, joy, peace, harmony and abundance.


Barbara Kurtman

©2006 Barbara Kurtman.

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